The 5-gallon water jug has become a staple of offices and homes across the country. Many businesses and home owners feel that water delivery services provide them with an easy, healthy and cheap alternative to water straight from the tap.
However, these ideas aren’t totally valid. In fact, there are some pretty negative effects from using these water delivery services on your health, your wallet and the environment.
Check out these reasons why you should ditch the water cooler!
While cheaper than bottled water (Americans spend $1.45 per bottle on average), a home delivery service is still expensive. We took a look at two prominent companies in the San Diego area. If you purchase three 5-gallon jugs for your home or office each month (the most common option) you’re looking at $22.49 per month with Sparklett’s. If go with Arrowhead (owned by Nestle), you’ll shell out $3.75 per 5 gallon jug, but also need to rent the water cooler, with a total that comes out to $22.47 monthly with delivery.
Doing some simple math, that means that the average consumer is paying $1.49 per gallon. Thats a pretty steep price considering the Aura H20 water system can give you higher quality water at your tap for only 20 cents per gallon your first year, and then 8 cents a gallon every year after.
Water Quality
The water quality from home delivery is roughly equivalent to that of bottled water. Most bottled water isn’t from a spring or mountain. In fact, a recent study showed that around 25% of bottled water is simply tap water. Additional studies have shown this leads to things like mold, microbes, benzene, tri-halomethanes, and even arsenic in your bottled water.
Moreover, even if your water is clean and pure, you’re still putting yourself at risk by using the bottle. Plastic bottles pose the risk of containing BPA in them, which can leach into your water and be cancerous.
Using an in-home filtration system eliminates all of these issues.
Plastic Pollutes the Environment
As much as companies want to tell you plastic bottles are sustainable, they are not. Vast quantities of fossil fuels and water go into creating these bottles, which are then filled and shipped around the globe. Bottles aren’t biodegradable either, meaning that they can stick around for a long time!
An under-counter filtration system eliminates the extensive carbon footprint of plastic production and shipping involved in home water delivery services.
The Solution
The best solution is to install a water filtration system in your home or office. Evolution Healthworks systems are less expensive than bottled water, produce higher-quality water and are better for the environment.
Check out our products TODAY! Or give us a call at 619-356-3766