Category Archives: Water Pollution

What Are The Sources of Drinking Water Pollution?


As I am sure everyone knows by now, out water is polluted. From inorganic and organic contaminants, to microbial contaminants, to even radioactive molecules….our water is polluted.

But where exactly are the sources of drinking water pollution?

Well theres two different categories of these sources.

First, naturally occurring sources of drinking water pollution

  • Microorganisms – These can come from the wildlife and soil runoff
  • Radionuclide – When underlying rock erodes
  • Nitrates and Nitrites – Nitrogen compounds in the soil runoff
  • Heavy metals – Underground rocks
  • Fluoride – Under ground rocks


Second, human caused sources of drinking water pollution

  • Bacteria and Nitrates – Human and animal waste
  • Heavy Metals – Mining, Construction, Agriculture
  • Fertilizers and Pesticides – Agriculture
  • Industrial Products and Waste – Manufacturing, Construction, Mining
  • Household Waste – Cleaning solvent, motor oil, paint
  • Lead and Copper – Household plumbing
  • Pharmaceuticals – Human and animal waste
  • Water Treatment Chemicals


As you can see, we are in a time of tons of different sources of water pollution.

Check out our Whole Home Filters to clean the water throughout your house, or our Drinking Water Filters to ensure your drinking water is as healthy as possible.